Phase 3 Of Party Safari (Eastern Canada) Has Been Cancelled.

It’s too bad that Facebook deleted our fbook page and all the Party event pages midway through the Kickstarter and destroyed our fundraising efforts but that is life.

In spite of it all, we still managed to raise over $3000 (which will now be automatically refunded to all donors). Huge thanks to everyone who supported the cause.

Have no fear, the Party Revolution will live on, stronger than before, and many mind-blowing developments are on the immediate horizon, so STAY TUNED!

NOTE: one or two Canadian events may still be salvaged!
NOTE: USA Party Safari dates have NOT been cancelled!

This entry was posted in Newsworthy, Party Safari 2011- Strictly Business. Bookmark the permalink.

19 Responses to Phase 3 Of Party Safari (Eastern Canada) Has Been Cancelled.

  1. Cassidy robbs you says:

    Im sorry to hear that guys! i was looking for to it lol 😀 well i hope everything goes up hill from now on. Good Luck :D!

  2. Bill Tracy says:

    What reason did they give for deleting your page?

  3. Disco says:

    So terribly sad but i hope Saskatoon isn’t out the picture, you know how much we love you!!!!!

  4. S. says:

    I hope you guys still find a way to make it out to Saskatoon! I would have donated via kickstarter, but unfortunately I do not have a credit card. 🙁

  5. stoon says:

    saskatoon needs you!!! please come back:(

  6. Nicole says:

    I really hope you guys can still make it out to Saskatoon. We bring the love for DDP to a new level. If you need free places to stay, I’ve got two spare rooms and a lot of couches.

  7. Catherine says:

    The Facebook event says that if there are more than 500 people confirmed to go, the DDP won’t be cancelled even if the fundraiser goal isn’t met! Is that true or not??

  8. Catherine says:

    On the Fredericton event, it clearly says that the DDP would be cancelled unless the kickstarter goal isn’t met “or if there are less than 500 confirmed guests to this party by Oct 15.”
    Those are the exact words…

  9. Catherine says:

    Unless the kickstarter goal is met*

  10. Catherine says:

    And by less, I meant more… Awkward! But yeah, you might wanna clarify it on the page because people still think it’s happening.

  11. kayla says:

    So is it not happening in Ottawa tm??? EVERYONE WAS SOOOOOOOOOOO AMPED!!! 🙁

  12. Lucy says:

    Hearing rumours you’ll be in Victoria again next Friday, October 28th. Are they true?

  13. William Mclean says:

    hey how’s it going i live in saskatoon saskatchewan in canada and i heard about the ddp party thats going on? idk whats going? is it still happening on nov5 th and 6th? please reply back

  14. leeeeeeesh says:


  15. Brian says:

    Yet another great reason to ditch facebook… but people won’t. They’ll keep accepting this bull and facebook will take over the world… oh wait.

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