On May 5, 2012, we embarked on our most ambitious adventure to date: Party Safari #4 It was a 12,000 km voyage, spanning 40 days and 40 nights. During that time, we were sworn to deliver ten more DDPs to ten new locations in a foreign land.
We had no idea where the Parties would take place, no permission to throw them, nowhere to stay, no guarantee that anyone would show up or give our stereos back, and not enough money (credit) to pull it off. As always, the odds were against us.
But laughing in the face of death and disaster is our specialty. And we broke East, with 300 boomboxes and unwavering faith that the universe would once again provide…
Plenty of people have plenty of opinions about America. She’s got a reputation for violence, intolerance and fear. It’s a police state on high alert. You cannot just waltz in and throw a series of massive, unauthorized Parties in the streets.
But listen here.
We’ve now taken two journeys right into the belly of the beast, and can safely say that the prevailing notions are not entirely accurate…
Every step of the way, we were warmly welcomed by everyone we encountered.
And the authorities allowed our Parties to proceed, often providing us with a full escort.
People we’d never met before opened their homes, fed us, and treated us like family. Whether or not they actually had any space.
They stayed up all night; showing us their cities, and helping us scout the Party routes.
They consistently respected The Party Manifesto, and always returned our boomboxes.
And came out in droves, to celebrate life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
We Partied through the streets of Minneapolis, with a full police escort.
In Chicago, in the midst of the NATO summit/protests and a citywide lockdown. In Detroit, the most dangerous city in the USA; a place you Do Not Go.
In Asheville, a quiet Bible Belt community, nestled in the Appalachian mountains.
All over Pittsburgh, where we Partied with the park rangers and coast guard.
And somehow invoked a bomb scare that shut down the interstate.
Now regarded as the New Face Of Terror, we were headed straight for Washington, DC. Where we ended up receiving a secret service escort throughout the entire National Mall.
In Boston, a concerned citizen called us in as a “bonfire”, so we Partied with the Fire dept.
And in New York City, in spite of terror alerts, Occupy actions, and a monolithic police presence, 1000 Party People were able to invade the Staten Island Ferry and Party with the captain and crew, then board the subway and finally take Times Square.
Big thanks again to our good friends Anthony and Kevin of Newmindspace for putting us up and helping to promote and plan DDP NYC.
From there, we broke west, to Madison, to throw a sponsored DDP for the Rayovac battery company, who we must thank again for providing us with a tour of their factory and enough batteries to power the Entire Party Safari!
The final Party was held in Bellevue, and featured an Open-Source theme; part of the AMD Fusion Developer Summit. It was a great time with a very unique crowd.
Big thanks again to AMD, Rayovac, Viddy, Boomcase, Jammypack, and everyone else who supported us by donating to our Kickstarter fundraisers, buying DDP merch at the Parties, donating, or simply lending a hand.
The DDP is truly a project Of the people, By the people, For the people. An exemplar of what can be accomplished when we creatively harness technology to power a Massive Multiplayer Reality-Bending Collaboration and make impossible dreams reality.
Regardless of what anyone may tell you, there’s still a lot of good in the world, if you approach from the proper angles and with the proper intentions…
Wherever you go, the universe will open to you and you’ll encounter people who are ready to greet you with open arms.
There’s nothing to fear but fear itself, and we intend to prove it…
Beginning with The 50th Ever DDP in Vancouver on June 30, followed by Burning Man, which will kick off The Global Party Pandemic AKA The Grand Unification Tour!
Unconditional Love,
Tom and Gary and The Elite Banana Task Force
(This story will evolve and be updated with more photos and videos asap- please share)
(You can also help us keep our crazy dreams afloat by donating Here 🙂
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When will the DDP party come to Atlanta, Georgia, I would like to attend?
ASAP! Would you like to start your own independent Party Cell?