Vintage 80’s boomboxes are the best (on left). They are louder, stronger, cooler and more compact. They are easily found at thrift stores and garage sales for $5-$10. Or just go on ebay and search for “vintage boombox” and you will find HUNDREDS of sweet stereos for cheap.

If the battery terminals are corroded, you can clean them up with the help of the info found here:

If the knobs make a scratchy sound when adjusting them, you may need to clean them using compressed air and contact cleaner. You can buy them at electronics stores.
If you want your Boombox to survive a DDP, it needs to be ready for anything.

Tape down the antennae, it will not affect the clarity of the transmission, and now it will not poke anybody’s eye out (VERY IMPORTANT).

Tape down the antennae, it will not affect the clarity of the transmission, and now it will not poke anybody’s eye out (VERY IMPORTANT).
Rayovac is our beloved battery sponsor, and after touring their factory and using their batteries exclusively for 40 days and 40 nights during Party Safari USA #2, we have determined beyond a doubt that their famous claim that “Rayovac Lasts as Long as Duracell or Energizer” is true.
Alkaline batteries are all the same on the inside and Rayovac ones are cheaper only because they don’t spend billions on advertising. And they are obviously way cooler because they help us help you Party. Purchase accordingly!

Rayovac “Lithium Ion” rechargeable batteries are a little bit more expensive, but a good investment. They are lighter and will power a Boombox for almost as long as regular ones (10-20 hours)

Tape down every control or knob that can be bumped, except for the “Volume” and “On/Off” switch and “Tuner” knob.

Tape down every control or knob that can be bumped, except for the “Volume” and “On/Off” switch and “Tuner” knob.

Press the “PAUSE” button down on the tape deck. This keeps the tape from turning on while partying and killing your batteries.

When you arrive at the DDP, we will inform you of what station to tune into. Turn it on, tune it in, crank it up and tape the rest of the knobs down.

Lots of the old Boomboxes have RCA inputs that allow you to plug in an iPod. (On some models you may need to have a cassette in and hit “Record” to make the RCA inputs work.)

Lots of the old Boomboxes have RCA inputs that allow you to plug in an iPod. (On some models you may need to have a cassette in and hit “Record” to make the RCA inputs work.)

Lots of the old Boomboxes have RCA inputs that allow you to plug in an iPod. (On some models you may need to have a cassette in and hit “Record” to make the RCA inputs work.)

Lots of the old Boomboxes have RCA inputs that allow you to plug in an iPod. (On some models you may need to have a cassette in and hit “Record” to make the RCA inputs work.)
I like it.
what do you use for the transmitter? how can i make one?
We’re currently hard at work on The Official DDP Field Manual and its release will provide all the technical and philosophical information required for anyone to successfully create their own DDP / fully Open-Source the Party Revolution 🙂
What is the mp3 player connection for?
an mp3 player 🙂
You guys are cool. I love your outfits in the last photo. DId you have those pink pants custom made?
Garage sale special.
yo I’m gonna do want i do best is promote..Nd this event will be posted one every social site out there…Twitter,Facebook,Tagged,Google, even the gaming sites…Lets make this happen people..Cause I’m gonna find out how to get either my own boombox, or getting to this event grabbing one….So you know want that mean people…the early bird gets Boom to the want? Box baby….Follow me on Twitter…@junopromotions Thanks and hopefully get to all of the new people attending…
Thanks Maurice- lets blow this thing up@!
Pingback: Decentralized Dance Party: Pgh Edition | NakYouOut
the mp3 player is probably for the case where you’ve a boombox or speakers that will amplify the sound…but no FM receiver. Lots of mp3 players will operate as FM receivers (if they’ve got FM receivers built in)…and they’ll use the cord attaching the speakers to the mp3 player as the tuner. So….I think it’s mentioned here just as another option for receiving the transmission…
Pingback: Decentralized Dance Party: Pgh Edition - NakYouOut
Loving the info on this website, you have done great job on the posts.
when I’m child, that time we’ve no ability to buy a Boombox, so I go to my neighborhood friends home to listening and dancing .
Now I’ve got a high end audio and home theater system as below:
1. Marantz 6500 cd player/ Audiolab 8200 cd player
2.Cary SLP 05 Pre amplifire.
3.Bryston 3 bbst2 Power amp
4,Dynaudio Focus 160 / Audience 72 etc,
But still I loved Boombox sweet sound and I’ve got 12 boombox in my collection,hope full I’ll upload the digital asap.( Sharp GF 777, Hitachi, Sony , National etc).
Thanks to all.
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