The Gold Medal Celebration Party Was A Success!

What an amazing night!  Huge thanks to the twenty thousand people who Partied peacefully and respectfully while braving the all-night snowstorm with us.
Photos here. Event Page here.

Thanks also to Vancity for providing extra garbage bins to keep it clean and the VPD for ensuring safety throughout the night.

Unfortunately, we lost at least 80 boomboxes, which was the majority of our fleet…
PLEASE email us if you ended up with one.
Over $1000 was also spent on batteries alone- donations are gratefully accepted HERE 🙂
And our Hog-Wild Prom Party fundraiser is This Friday Night.

We will create a video edit asap, but in the meantime, here’s three great ones found online:

Just spoke with the police inspector who coordinated security for the Party, and although the papers reported multiple arrests on Granville Street that night, he said he wouldn’t attribute a single one to our event- just the usual entertainment-district idiots causing problems… the streak continues!

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3 Responses to The Gold Medal Celebration Party Was A Success!

  1. richierichregina says:

    Need to GET YOUR ASS TO REGINA again. Was deadly last time round. HELL YEAH!! get er done!!

  2. Congrats to Tom, Gary, the Banana People and everyone that took part and made it a fantastic sucess!! Whis I could have been there. Can’t wait for the summer tour……

  3. Pingback: Yes, You Can Party For A Living: Meet Gary Lachance, Founder of The Decentralized Dance Party | The X Factor

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