The War on Love is real. Across the globe, there are countless forces that seek to corrupt, co-opt and commodify the ways in which we express our love for each other and ourselves.
Recognizing this, we’ve taken a stand, and plan to reinvent Valentine’s Day as an evening of high-energy celebration and spontaneous loving connection between thousands of total strangers.
Together, we will storm the streets with hundreds of synchronized boomboxes and defend our societies from those who would have us forget what it means to be super Human!
–> Vancouver Facebook Event Page
–> Austin, Texas Facebook Event Page
–> San Francisco Facebook Event Page
–> New York City Facebook Event Page
–> Facebook event page text for those who don’t use Facebook
#SaveLove #TheDDP
This is a 100% community-driven Of-The-People-By-The-People-For-The-People project and only with your support can we keep the dream alive.
If you’d like to help sustain the Party Revolution, our (soon-to-be-updated)
Patreon Campaign Page is the place to do so.
Your banner indicates that you’ll be in Austin. PLEASE, please tell me that this is true!
Indeed! But not in the flesh. The Party is being organized by Austin’s local Autonomous DDP Party Cell… Should be a great night!