An 80-page rough draft was just completed and the DDP will soon be 100% Open-Source!
This exhaustive and authoritative strategy guide reveals all the Top Secret Information required to create and host a successful Decentralized Dance Party.
We’ve been hard at work on Another Night, Another Dream and wanted to share a highlight reel from the reckless and ridiculous early days of the DDP- an era when no holds were barred and the odds of survival were substantially lower…
We also made a very special TV appearance last week- part of our Doge Weekend:
Along the way, it was realized that the best way to finance The Global Party Pandemic AKA The Grand Unification Tour will be to sell $1,000,000 worth of “Peace Bonds”, which will likely be denominated exclusively in Dogecoin. Click the pic for all details!
The official #DogeParty photo album can be beheld HERE.
There’s a Decentralized currency festival called Coinfest in Vancouver this weekend and we’ve volunteered to host a very special afterParty on Saturday night.
The Party will be held at the India Gate restaurant, which will be retrofitted with lights, fog machines, trampolines, boomboxes, a giant rocket ship, and All The Best Party Tunes.
There’s a slight possibility that the Party will become Decentralized later in the evening, but no promises 😉
In case you were unaware, ensuring that Dogecoin ascends to the moon is the most pressing global issue of 2014:
As such, taking a cue from the recent Dogecoin Party hosted by our NYC-based brethren, the theme will again be “Doges In Space“.
So get Spaced Out and/or Doged Up and come on down to India Gate between 10PM-2AM to join us for a night of weirdness, revelry, and CryptoMania!
Follow the Party online via the #DogeParty hashtag, and if you’d like to support our tireless moon efforts, shoot a ‘lil DOGE to our radical new Dogecoin donation QR. (Magical QR wizardry c/o @GaryckArntzen)
Big thanks to the hundreds of fearless free spirits who Partied with us alllll the way to the airport and back (with the spontaneous assistance of Translink and the Vancouver Police) for what was the likely the most ridiculous NYE countdown Vancouver will ever witness.
Big thanks also to everyone who tipped us in Bitcoin and Dogecoin– over 500 Millibitcoin and 47,000 Dogecoin donated already!!!
Our website was down for most of the final week, we received almost zero press coverage from the hundreds of media outlets we contacted, and a million other ridiculous problems bedeviled our campaign for every single one of those 35 crazy days.
We even lost two full weeks when we extended our credit and drove 10,000 kms from Vancouver to Texas and back in order to promote the Kickstarter via another SXSW DDP and get featured on Nightline.. assuming we made it there, and assuming we even made it over the border with a van crammed full of the weirdest cargo possible…
We gambled everything we didn’t have, went for it as hard as we could, and with the tireless support of our beloved friends and supporters, made yet another chapter of this crazy dream reality.
Thanks so much to everyone involved. We are won’t let you down.
Here’s the Nightline piece, released on the same night we reached our Kickstarter goal. Never before has the DDP been so masterfully portrayed. Thanks Meredith 😉
And here’s a weird update video from Gary, part of a recent joke update that seemed to infuriate and/or confuse almost everyone.. oops.
We must also say a final Huge Thanks to Evan White for the PR assistance, and to Ian Mackenzie, who served as our crowdfunding strategist- hire his services and check out his other fine work HERE.
Aaaaand to Boomcase and Jammypack for the most excellent backer rewards:
More updates soon to come!
Kickstarter rewards shipping soon!
Love Everlasting,
Tom and Gary and The Elite Banana Task Force
In these remaining six hours, we’ve decided to add a new “Stretch Goal” of $30,000
Basically, $25,000 is the Bare Minimum that will be required to create the film and website, and any amount we raise above and beyond our goal will enable us to make the website and the film Better and Better and greatly increase the odds of the DDP successfully Saving The World.
And a portion will be directed towards the development of our Social Stereo (A revolutionary new Open-Source Boombox that is a key component of The Party Revolution and will surely alter the course of history).
And if we DO reach our $30,000 Stretch Goal, we promise to assemble and post “Tom and Gary’s Top 150 Party Tracks” (the list and a Youtube playlist also) and all of you will be remotely enabled to have The Best Time Ever, whenever you please.
Surely The Single Greatest Compendium of Party Tracks Every Assembled, you need this in your life.
And so we ask that you please keep on sharing.. and you can still easily raise your pledge if you’re feeling inspired 😉 (a bunch of people have asked if this is possible).
And don’t forget to tune in for our piece on “Nightline” tonight:
“An incisive late-night news series that analyzes the day’s top stories with interviews and reports.”
When Partying is recognized as a Top International News Story, Anything Is Possible.
Unconditional Love,
Tom and Gary and The Elite Banana Task Force